
Delmarva Aces Family Scores Valuable Life Lessons


We caught up with David Whigham, owner, president and pitching coordinator for the Delmarva Aces and Baltimore Orioles associate scout, to learn more about his 42 Aces teams and find out how they’re staying motivated in spite of the COVID-19 virus pause on play. Here’s what he had to share:

What life experience has helped prepare you to stay motivated in challenging times?


David Whigham played college baseball at Guilford and Virginia Wesleyan, then went on to play professionally and in Australia, Austria, and Germany before returning home to Ocean City, Maryland in 2014. He’s no stranger to overcoming obstacles and maintaining a positive attitude. In 2009 at age 23 while playing for the El Paso Diablos in the American Association, an independent professional baseball league, David suffered a significant head injury on the field

“I was hit directly in the temple by a line drive while pitching in the fourth inning and woke up two weeks later. I had to have two emergency brain surgeries. It was a pretty turbulent point in my life and it really shook me up. I think that’s why I’ve been able to run the Aces the way that I have because having to experience something like that, nothing seems as troublesome as when I was lying in a hospital bed fighting for my life. ” 


What’s the story behind the Delmarva Aces?

David formed the Aces organization in 2014, basing it off the Melbourne Aces, an Australian baseball league where he had played. He started with 14 teams and has grown the organization to 42 teams in three states (Maryland, Delaware and Virginia) including nearly 500 players. Ages span 5-6 year-old-teams though high school showcase teams, college summer teams, men’s softball teams, and even a woman’s baseball team soon to come. You’ll find them playing at Sports at the Beach, Diamond Nation and Baseball Heaven.


“Our youngest player is five years old and our oldest player is 78. I played baseball in Australia for two years, and tried to bring that culture back of how they run it over here. Basically you start playing baseball from the time you’re in diapers until you can’t walk any more.”

“I really wanted to change the culture of travel ball. I’m an old school guy and I believe in a lot of old school techniques. I like keeping my hands in recruiting and we do a lot of stuff with our community. We give scholarships out to kids. We did an equipment drop where we uniformed and equipped players in Uganda. We’re actively involved in getting the kids different types of opportunities in the community. We’re trying to build a person instead of just a player.” 

Tell us about scouting and recruiting.

David began scouting amateur baseball players for the Baltimore Orioles in 2018. Several Aces players have been scouted by Major League organizations including the Orioles, and he’s helped secure 99 college commits from his Aces program since 2016. 

“I’m all about trying to find the perfect fit for a player’s skills across all levels of college and junior college ball. I start the process early and spend a lot of time talking about recruiting. Travel ball has been so geared around the D1 or bust mentality, but a lot of kids find themselves in bad scenarios when they get to college or it just wasn’t the right fit for them and they learn too late that the school wasn’t the best spot.”

How have you used our HiCast Sports Network?

“Because of my communications background, we do a lot with social media and video. We’re very familiar with HiCast. For our kids, having social media followers watching their home run videos mean so much to them. We have our players submitting videos showing us how they’re staying active at home. One kid submitted a HiCast video of himself hitting a home run last year and tripping over third base and falling in the mud. It was pretty cool and the kids loved it. Then after he sent it, another kid sends in his HiCast video of him tripping over third base in the same spot at the same venue. You’d be surprised how many kids save those videos and will keep them forever to relive moments like that.”

TJ Morris of Delmarva Aces 14U East Blooper Rounding 3rd

“The way everything is going, venues are going to rely on HiCast Sports even more than ever to try to capture the moments. People can re-watch their games, and scout other teams. It’s really freaking awesome. For a large organization like ours, there are so many active and moving parts during the season. One thing people tend to not do very well is to capture these important moments so we can share them with each other.”


How are you and your team working through this challenging time?

“Our winter academy, which begins in November and ends in March, had just ended when Maryland issued a state of emergency. We got really lucky to complete it, even though training came to a screeching halt. Some of our teams are actually running online practices now through Zoom. We offered a complimentary two-week academy once this thing clears to get the kids back in shape. I’ve formed connections with local tournament venues to do weekly contests (like a scavenger hunt crossword puzzle about Aces history) where the winning team that is first to submit wins free tournament entry. 

The hardest thing right now is to keep people engaged. Everybody’s feeling frustrated but we really have a resilient family. We have a slogan without our program called “One Family.” We’re doing things to try to keep everybody together. I’m on 32 telephone chats and I like being a part of all of the conversations.”

What encouragement can you share with ballplayers everywhere?

“We’re learning a lot about ourselves during this time. I think that everybody is going to be so much more thankful… just for everything in their life after all of this is gone. It’s a learning experience. Just think when you get back on the field, how good that’s going to feel. Would it have felt that good if we didn’t have to go through this hard time? After my head injury and the stuff I went through, it changed my perspective. 

I think players are going to be so much more appreciative of the opportunity their parents give them, stuff like HiCast Sports technology gives them, opportunities that they were given that has now been taken away from them. I think you’re going to see a much more appreciative culture out of this. Hopefully that lesson is something they can take with them throughout their baseball career and life.”


How 20 Bagel Bombers Teams Stay United and Focused on Improving Their Game


We talked with Bagel Bombers Baseball Association president Jerry Windish (who also works in law enforcement) to find out his recommendations for youth ballplayers to stay engaged during this disappointing pause on play due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s what he had to share:

Tell us about your Bagel Bombers organization.

“Bagel Bombers Baseball Association is the largest and oldest travel ball organization in the state of Delaware. We have players who reside throughout Delaware and the Maryland area. We have 20 teams this year, from 7U up through 16U. We have two 16U teams. This past year, we partnered with US Elite Baseball to provide an exposure component for our older age groups, so US Elite Delaware is managed by the Bagel Bombers.”

US Elite Delaware 16U - Coach Jerry Windish and Assistant Coach Vinny Tallarico; Cole Windish, Vinny Tallarico, Amari Gordon, Zac Cole, Zach Lewis, Ocean Johnson, George Delgaudio, Quinn Buckaloo, Colton Benton, Hunter Wolfe, Gary Emory, Josh Townse…

US Elite Delaware 16U - Coach Jerry Windish and Assistant Coach Vinny Tallarico; Cole Windish, Vinny Tallarico, Amari Gordon, Zac Cole, Zach Lewis, Ocean Johnson, George Delgaudio, Quinn Buckaloo, Colton Benton, Hunter Wolfe, Gary Emory, Josh Townsend, Tristin McCray, Ethan Hazzard

Jerry coaches two teams this year, the 16U US Elite Delaware team and the Bagel Bombers 7U team. “I’m starting all over again with my youngest son in 7U machine pitch.” You’ll find the Bagel Bombers playing at Sports at the Beach in our HiCast Sports Network.

“None of our coaches are paid coaches. One of our organization’s aims is to keep travel baseball as affordable as possible for our families. We’re not here to make money off people. We’re here to allow kids to better their skills in a family-centered and competitive environment.”


What’s the story behind the Bagel Bombers name?

“The story goes back to the mid 2000’s. The name originated from a business owner who owns Surf Bagel. They did not have a travel ball organization in southern Delaware, so they started with one team. The owner of that business, Dave Vitella, partnered with Adam Gelof, another local resident formed a team and it was kind of a joke originally to call themselves the Bagel Bombers to play off Surf Bagel. The organization grew and it stuck.”

How are you and your team working through this challenging time?

“Everyone’s got to remember this is a challenge facing our whole country and there are a lot of aspects of everyone’s lives arguably more important than the sport of baseball – financially, economically… We want to make sure our families are okay and we’ve gotta keep in mind that the challenges facing our country now override some of the smaller things, even though baseball to our families and our players is an important thing in our lives.

We’re going to do what’s best for our families, what’s best for our communities, and we’re going to follow the recommendations and guidelines put down by the CDC and our respective state governors, in regards to public gatherings because we want our families to be safe. That being said, we want to keep our players engaged in the sport they love so we’re trying to provide different means and access to material to keep them engaged during the downtime we have. 

Recently, we put an online training link on our website to post daily updates to material, whether that be video drills, work out competitions between the kids. Some of the kids, including our US Elite teams are using the Blast Baseball app to track their swings and record their workouts at home. Kids can post results and all their teammates can see what each other is doing and keep each other motivated and working. 

One of the things that I think is really cool, is that we partnered with some of the colleges in the area that have assisted us with clinics. We’ve reached out to Widener University, Wesley College, Delaware State University and they are going to be providing content to us. Everyone can benefit from the communal input of ideas.”

Is it helpful for players to watch baseball games in this downtime while we’re at home?

“Absolutely. Any time you can go back and evaluate your performance, it’s a positive. You can do a lot of learning just by watching game situations, not only your own games, but other games. You can make mental notes of different positionings and assess decision-making to look back on your own mistakes and successes, or the mistakes and successes of others.”

Bagel Bombers shortstop Lukas Loring with a bare-handed play to end the inning on 7/2/19 in the Firecracker 4-Day Classic at Sports at the Beach

What else should athletes be doing?

“The term “Student Athlete” is key. Beyond just working out for baseball, they’ve gotta keep their mind sharp. Unfortunately, I think schools are going to be out for a while, so they need to continue to hit the books in some capacity. If your school district is not offering online classes, seek it out. Or do SAT practice online. Read. Seek out the stuff you are missing in the classroom, because at the end of the day, we’re students first, athletes second. And those who want to further their baseball career in college, you have to have the grades to do it. Even in these trying times, we need to try to continue to educate ourselves.”

Words of encouragement for ballplayers everywhere?

“It’s an old expression, but it’s very true… ‘This too shall pass.’ This crisis will eventually come to an end. When we get past it and we turn the corner, baseball is going to be there. You want to be ready when that time comes. You want to take advantage of this time to get stronger and keep yourself in good physical shape. Work on speed and agility drills. You can better your game during this layover. If you don’t do anything, there will be other players out there taking advantage of this time and you’ll be behind. You have the time. Put the work in and when this passes, you’ll be able to hit the field again and have the success you’re looking for.”

Coach Jerry Widish and Assistant Coaches Jason Pease, Mike Thompson, Blake Hershelman; players –Jake Windish, Ben Pease, Mason Thompson, Grant Hershelman, Lucca Fazio, Brody Fazio, Ryan Craig, Chase Sanchez, Lucas Skoncziecki, Trent Fry, Nolan Jones

Coach Jerry Widish and Assistant Coaches Jason Pease, Mike Thompson, Blake Hershelman; players –Jake Windish, Ben Pease, Mason Thompson, Grant Hershelman, Lucca Fazio, Brody Fazio, Ryan Craig, Chase Sanchez, Lucas Skoncziecki, Trent Fry, Nolan Jones

Photos provided by Bagel Bombers Baseball Association

Mid-Atlantic Shockers 12U Team Keeps a Winning Attitude Despite Pause on Play


We caught up with Mid-Atlantic Shockers 12U Coach Mike Gaylor to hear how he uses our HiCast Sports Network and to find out how his team is staying prepared despite the disappointing pause on play due to the COVID-19 virus sweeping across the country. Here’s what he had to share:

Tell us about your Mid Atlantic Shockers 12U team.

“I put this team together when the kids were 8 years old. I went around to all of the surrounding little leagues within a 40-mile circle. I looked at a whole bunch of kids and put together a dream team. I’ve had them all together for four years now. We’re rated in the east coast as one of the top teams. Last year at 11U, we went 49-3 with 79 home runs which is pretty amazing for a group of 11 year old kids. We have a good team of 12 kids, and a great parent base. We’re all a family – especially when you’ve been together that long.”


How have you used our HiCast Sports Network?

“We play at Sports at the Beach a lot where we play a lot of highly competitive teams from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. When we’re at the game, as a coach we’re seeing it, but we can’t really study it. So after a tournament, I use HiCast to go back and look for things that we did correctly so I can praise the kids and also see what we did wrong. 

Johnny Hobgood's first home run of the 2019 Fall Season for Mid-Atlantic Shockers 12U at Sports at the Beach

When our kids hit a home run or make a great catch or something like that, my bookkeeper jots down the time during the game so I can go back to watch the game on-demand and get the highlight.” Mike adds with a laugh, “I would be lying if I said I didn’t use it to watch other teams too.”

Spencer Gaylor's home run blooper for Mid-Atlantic Shockers during their 10U season, shared by his dad, Coach Mike Gaylor from Sports at the Beach

“I think HiCast is a great thing. I have a very good team and it’s hard to tell when one of our kids is going to do something spectacular. If we didn’t have HiCast, I would be missing out on a lot of things. Our parents would too.”

How are you and your team working through this challenging time?


“It was definitely a let-down for us. We were actually all signed up to go to Cooperstown this year. Last Friday, we were informed that Cooperstown was shut down for the whole season, which was definitely a blow to my kids and the families. It hurts because we were actually looking forward to making a good showing. The best a team has done in our organization at Cooperstown was second place, which was great, but I felt like we had a team that could win Cooperstown.”

Coach Mike is sending exercises and lessons to parents for his players weekly. “The luxury of us being together so long is that our parents and kids know what I expect and they all do it. Parents are sending me videos, showing me that the kids are still working to get better and the kids can see each other’s videos, so it’s competitive. Like I explained to the kids, when this breaks and we are able to start playing again, I want to go out on the field like we haven’t missed a beat.”

What words of encouragement would you like to share with ballplayers everywhere?

“Don’t give up on your dream. This is just a setback. Keep grinding. Something I always say to my kids throughout each game and all season long is that there are two things you can control… attitude and hustle. Keep practicing your craft. Have in your mind that there is always someone else out there working harder to get better. Don’t let ‘em take your spot.”


Big thanks to Coach Mike Gaylor and Coach Blair Boyce for their hard work on and off the field; to team mom Monica Edelmann for keeping families connected, and to the 12U Mid-Atlantic Shockers players: Jace Jarmon, Spencer Gaylor, Blake Bramble , Caleb Boyce , KD Tindley, Mason Edelmann, Ayden McCauley, Kobe Tindley, Ray Joseph,Johnny Hobgood, Kam Mister, Tony Martin for your commitment to your team and the game, especially during this challenging time. We can’t wait to see you back on the fields at Sports at the Beach!

Photos courtesy of Mid-Atlantic Shockers

Rawlings Moment of the Month Winner for September 2019


Great hit down the first base line, but Delaware Wolfpack 12U right fielder gets the ball in to 11-year-old catcher Ryan Perkins for the tag at the plate! Wolfpack advanced to the Play It Forward tourney championship game at Sports at the Beach on 9/1/19. Congratulations to our winning HiCast User: @Catcher247 Marissa scored the Rawlings bat of Ryan’s choice.

HiCast Sports Network selected one winning moment from highlights shared in our app’s HiCast Feed each month all summer long. Winners scored their pick from an incredible lineup of Rawlings Sporting Goods bats. Learn more our Rawlings Moment of the Month contest and see the winners.

This month, we kick off our 2nd Annual MVP Awards Presented by Rawlings so now’s the time to share your highlights to our app’s HiCast Feed to get them eligible to win!


Rawlings Moment of the Month Winner for August 2019

Congratulations to HiCast User @dmf423 Darren M. Fullone II, left fielder for the South Shore Sharks 15U team for sharing the winning Rawlings Moment of the Month for August 2019.

South Shore Sharks were top-seeded in the Bash at the Beach tourney at Sports at the Beach. In this semi-final game, Sharks were up 1-0. Richmond Titans came back w/a 2-run home run, so the game is tight… 2-1 and the Sharks are down. Bottom of the 7th and it’s the Sharks last opportunity to score. First batter strikes out. Next batter, Mikey Furst walks, so one man’s on base when Justin Delgado walks up to the plate. Strike one… then Justin nails it to center field over the fence! Two runs score for the South Short Sharks securing the win and trip to the championship game, which they won decisively on 8/18/19.

HiCast Sports Network has selected one winning moment from highlights shared in our app’s HiCast Feed each month all summer long. Winners score their pick from an incredible lineup of Rawlings Sporting Goods bats. Learn more our Rawlings Moment of the Month contest. We’ve got one more winner to be named in September, then on to the 2nd Annual HiCast Sports MVP Awards in October.

Justin Delgado hit the game-winning home run for South Short Sharks

Justin Delgado hit the game-winning home run for South Short Sharks

HiCast User and South Shore Sharks Left Fielder, Darren Fullone II

Rawlings Moment of the Month Winner for July 2019


Congratulations to HiCast User @kbcokratts for being our Rawlings Moment of the Month for July 2019. Chase Kratts for Olean Bombers 16U nails it with his very first grand slam contributing to the Bombers 10-1 win in the Sizzling Showdown Tournament at Sports at the Beach on 7/28/19. This was the team's first grand slam of the season.

HiCast Sports Network selects one winning moment from highlights shared in our app’s HiCast Feed each month all summer long. Winners score their pick from an incredible lineup of Rawlings Sporting Goods bats. Learn more our Rawlings Moment of the Month contest.

Share your 4th of July Week Highlights for a chance to win a FREE 1-Year PASS!


Just tag and share your Moments That Matter™ in our HiCast Feed within the app starting Sunday, July 1st through Sunday, July 8th and you're automatically entered to win. 

We'll pick 1 Hot Highlight of the Day each day and you'll win a free 1-Year Pass to watch all the games live and on-demand in our HiCast Sports Network for the next 365 days.

Catch the winners right here and in our Facebook and Instagram feeds so give us a follow and bring your best game this week!

Here's your 4th of July Week Lineup of Tourneys Across our Network

Ballparks of America – Nations Hometown Heroes Salute & Stars & Stripes Showdown

Baseball Heaven – Independence Weekend Championship, All American Invitational and Girls Fast Pitch All American Invitational

Baseball USA Powered by Marucci – Rawlings Summer Championships & Fireworks Festival

Diamond Nation – Garden State Invitational 16U, Finch's Aces Stars & Stripes,  Independence Weekend Firecrackers & DN Youth World Series 9U-11U

East Cobb Baseball Complex – Auburn University Showcase, Perfect Game 17U & 16U WWBA, Training Legends World Series, CABA World Series 12U

Shipyard Park – Showcase Tourney

Sports at the Beach – Firecracker Four-Day Classic, Clash of the Titans

Tyger River Sports Complex – TCS/SC Bandits Hot Times Classic Showcase

2018 } Are you ready?

We're proud to partner with America's top ballparks to cover your games live and on-demand, and we can't wait to see you share your Moments That Matter™ in 2018. We've been busy all winter long making plans to expand our coverage to more venues and to give you an even better HiCast Sports Network experience. Spring 2018 will be here before we know it, and we're getting ready!